Helping you achieve a clutter free home and life
Helping you achieve a clutter free home and life
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ReclaimYou Blog

Looking Past Joy

Rochelle Sudfelt

Looking Past Joy

I want to give you some questions that you can ask yourself during your decluttering journey. I personally struggle with the concept of allowing an inanimate object to 'spark joy'. Surely this is truly where we are going wrong? Valuing a possession over a person or place. Let’s for a moment, consider an item and ask.

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The Stuff Doesn't Matter as Much as You May Think...

Rochelle Sudfelt

The Stuff Doesn't Matter as Much as You May Think...

It was Monday 9 January 2017. Just 15 days ago, on Christmas Day, I had given birth to our second child – Arya. It’s 8am and we had very little sleep due to violent winds outside not to mention having a new born in the house. My husband Brett was late getting off to work.

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Become an E-clutter Eliminator

Rochelle Sudfelt

Become an E-clutter Eliminator

Hey, I know you’re busy so this isn’t going to be a long winded blog post about digital clutter. Let’s do an e-clutter declutter in 3 simple steps instead Step 1. Decided. Are you going to delete text messages, apps, contacts, emails or other things – like files or photos Step 2. Set a timer for 10 – 15 minutes

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Practice Makes Progress

Rochelle Sudfelt

Practice Makes Progress

Are you familiar with the feeling of being constantly busy. Picking up, tidying up, on your feet, organising everything only to turn around and it seem as though you have done nothing at all? Yeah, me too. I call this flitting. When you flit about, you are exerting energy but are not actually being productive.

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Hey Parents!

Rochelle Sudfelt

Hey Parents!

At ReclaimYou, we make personalised tidy tubs. These have the child's name on them. This gives the child a sense of importance and empowerment – this is my special tidy tub and it helps me do a good job of tidying up my toys. It is a tool we use daily in our home.

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