Helping you achieve a clutter free home and life
Helping you achieve a clutter free home and life
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ReclaimYou Blog — time management

Mastering Time Management: Declutter Your Life for Enhanced Productivity

Rochelle Sudfelt decluttering Goals Life Coaching Productivity Routine Success Task The effects of clutter Time time management

Mastering Time Management: Declutter Your Life for Enhanced Productivity

"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time,' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'" - Lao TzuWe are wrapping up our February Focus this week. Our focus this month was Time Management. In today's fast-paced world, mastering time management has become essential for achieving productivity and success. As a professional organiser, I witnessed firsthand how clutter in our lives can significantly impact our ability to manage time effectively. From overflowing desks to chaotic schedules, clutter can create unnecessary stress and hinder our productivity. At ReclaimYou we work to match you with the right strategies and mindset...

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Reclaim Your Time, Declutter Your Life.

Rochelle Sudfelt clutter The effects of clutter Time time management

Reclaim Your Time, Declutter Your Life.

I lost my shit the other night. Tears. I don’t tend to cry in front of other people if I can help it. It came about as we were discussing bedtime with my sister in law. My kids have always been shit sleepers, tough to get to bed, worse at staying in bed and then often up throughout the night.I get frustrated as all hell with them when they’re up and down constantly but I also hold firm that if they didn’t wake up tomorrow, that surely one last cuddle this day wouldn’t matter, especially if I never got to...

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What is the true cost of clutter?

Rochelle Sudfelt clutter decluttering relationships The effects of clutter Time time management

What is the true cost of clutter?

And is it really worth it?At ReclaimYou we believe clutter to be anything that threatens your time energy and relationships. But the fact of the matter is this, clutter affects so much more. Take honest stock of your life for a moment.Is it taking a toll on relationships? Are you embarrassed to have friends and loved ones over? Does if affect your finances? Are you buying more to fill a avoid. Buying more containers and boxes to fill, in the name of 'Organising' your stuff. What about how much money you spent on the excess stuff- wasted money...?Does the clutter...

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5 Ways Clutter may be affecting your life

Rochelle Sudfelt clutter declutter decluttering organising time management

5 Ways Clutter may be affecting your life

Clutter can have a significant impact on our lives. Here are just five ways that clutter affects us: Clutter causes stress: When we have too many things around us, it can create a feeling of chaos and overwhelm. This can lead to stress and anxiety, making it difficult to relax and be productive. Clutter can impact our focus: When we have a lot of things competing for our attention, it can be hard to concentrate on the task at hand. This can lead to decreased productivity and a lack of motivation. Clutter can affect our physical health: Clutter can create...

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